

The Future of Faust with Chris Wiegman

In this episode, Fran and Jeff talk with Chris Wiegman, the Engineering Manager of the team working on WP Engine's Faust framework. During this quarter, the Faust framework has undergone a massive overhaul and Chris spends some time sharing details on those updates:

  • Moving from GQty to Apollo for data fetching 
  • Implementing WP routing and template hierarchy
  • Adding plugin functionality to Faust with hooks/actions
  • Q4 actions towards Gutenberg support

If you're interested in the development of Faust, keep an eye on this space over the coming months.

After teasing the possibility of renaming Faust, the current name will stick for this release, but this episode was recorded while that decision was still in flux, so please excuse any artifacts of that conversation that didn't get edited out : )

Faust Website
Chris' Website
Apollo GraphQL Client

Episode source