
Teaching Python

Episode 69: Teaching with PyCharm Edu

Continuing our Education IDE series, Kelly and Sean talk with Valentina Kiryushkina, a developer on the PyCharm Edu team to learn all about how JetBrains supports teaching and learning Python. With everything from online courses to creating classroom assignments, we're sure you'll find something to like about PyCharm Edu.


  • Free for teachers and learners
  • Online open courses available
  • Create your own courses and assignments
  • Marketplace coming soon
  • Full features of PyCharm, but decluttered for learning

Where to Download

Special Offer

JetBrains has offered a free month of JetBrains Academy, a project-based learning platform integrated with JetBrains IDEs, if you register at the platform through the following link: Special Offer

Special Guest: Valentina Kiryushkina.

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