
Shop Talk Show

273: On Sharing Links and Pricing

Show Description

Dave and Chris are answering your questions on this episode, such as: Do sharing buttons on websites work? Pricing for apps? Building things yourself versus off the shelf? API's and CMS's and headless CMS's?


Logojoy is an online design tool that makes it easy for small business owners to create their own logo. It uses AI to automatically generate logo ideas based off of your chosen inspiration. Logojoy is a great way to create a logo for entrepreneurs who couldn't otherwise afford to hire a designer.

The best part is, it's totally free to play around using the online design editor - you only pay when you're happy with the design.

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Everything works exactly as you would expect in developing a website with a local file system and simple web server. Relative file paths to your images? No problem. @import in your CSS? Do it. Ajax requests? Sure thing. Nested folders? Got 'em.

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The Most Comfortable Place To Code.

Episode source