
Software Engineering Daily

Portainer: Container Management with Neil Cresswell

Running applications in containerized environments involves regularly organizing, adding and replacing containers. This complex job may involve managing clusters of containers in different geographic locations with different configuration requirements. Platforms like Kubernetes are great for managing this complexity, but include steep learning curves to efficiently get anything off the ground.

The company Portainer provides a universal container management tool that works with Kubernetes, Docker, Docker Swarm, and Azure ACI. It enables managing containers without knowing platform-specific code and best practices. Instead, deploying containerized applications is done through a simple Graphical User Interface. Once deployed, you can observe and monitor the apps and govern security settings all through Portainer. 

In this episode, we talk to Neil Cresswell, a Co-Founder at Portainer. Neil is also CEO and Founder of CloudInovasi, and was CEO at Emerging Technology Partners before that.

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