
Ruby Rogues

225 RR TorqueBox with Ben Browning

02:18 - Ben Browning Introduction

02:46 - TorqueBox

04:05 - Use Cases and Benchmarks

06:32 - The Genesis of TorqueBox

07:49 - JBoss

09:15 - The Name “TorqueBox”

10:12 - Adoption

12:05 - Documentation

13:18 - When should/could you use TorqueBox?

17:25 - Monolith vs Microservice

21:36 - JAR Files and WAR Files

25:31 - Server Setup & Deployment Process

27:16 - Packaging Static Assets in JAR and WAR Files

28:27 - Contribution and Community Involvement

32:55 - Startup Cost

35:53 - Getting Started with TorqueBox

37:33 - Immutant

40:17 - The Rack Spec and TorqueBox

42:11 - Useful Features

44:26 - Building Useful Features

45:53 - Growth


[Khan Academy] Pixar in a Box: Introduction to Animation Curves (Saron)
Tony Stark in Salt and Pepper (Saron)
ElixirConf (Jessica)
Nick Shrock: GraphQL Introduction (Jessica)
Troll - Shane Koyczan (Coraline)
funtools (Coraline)
Ruby Remote Conf Talks (Chuck)
Angular Remote Conf (Chuck)
Bob McWhirter: qcon-keynote (Ben)
Coders For Sanders (Ben)


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