
Legacy Code Rocks!

Microservices Security with Prabath Siriwardena and Nuwan Dias

Security is a big topic with many facets, and this is especially true for microservices. Microservices deployment has been around for some time, but security didn’t get much attention from developers – they simply trusted the network. Today we talk with Prabath Siriwardena and Nuwan Dias, authors of Microservices Security in Action* and deputy CTOs of the WSO2, on the state of microservices security today. We dig deep into the issues of infrastructure, available tools, procedures, and challenges in predicting the threats and integrating security patches into microservices.

When you finish listening to the episode, make sure to connect with Prabath and Nuwan on LinkedIn and Twitter, and book their services at with a steep 35% discount with the code podlegacy20.  And don’t miss the opportunity to read their book Microservices Security in Action for free with the codes provided below (codes expire in March 2021). 

Mentioned in this episode:

Prabath Siriwardena on LinkedIn at

Prabath Siriwardena on Twitter at 

Nuwan Dias on LinkedIn at 

Nuwan Dias on Twitter at 

Read Prabath Siriwardena and Nuwan Dias, Microservices Security in Action at for free with codes:






Use WSO2 services at with 35% discount with the code podlegacy20

* Heads up! If you purchase the book through the link above, we will get a small commission which helps us continue to bring quality content to our Legacy Code Rocks! community. You won’t pay a penny more, we receive a small kickback, and you’re supporting our friends who wrote the book. Everybody wins!


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