
Legacy Code Rocks!

Legacy Coders with Clive Thompson

In the last episode of 2020, we took a stroll through the little known corridors of coding history with Clive Thompson. Clive is a technology and science journalist for the New York Times Magazine, Wired, Smithsonian, and many other outlets. In his new book Coders: The Making of a New Tribe and the Remaking of the World*, he explores how computer programmers - the people who are increasingly running the world - think and what are their plans for changing the way WE work, think and live. In this episode, he tells us incredible stories of coding past and present, giving us a glimpse into how the future is made. When you finish listening to this episode, connect with Clive on Twitter, visit his website, and enjoy reading his books*.

Mentioned in this episode:

Clive on Twitter:

Clive’s website: 

Clive Thompson, Coders: The Making of the New Tribe and the Remaking of the World at*

About Betty Holberton at 

About Margaret Hamilton at 

Michael Abrash, Graphics Programming Black Book at

BBC micro:bit at 

Jordan Mechner, The Making of Prince of Persia at*

* Heads up! If you purchase the book through the link above, we will get a small commission which helps us continue to bring quality content to our Legacy Code Rocks! community. You won’t pay a penny more, we receive a small kickback, and you’re supporting our friends who wrote the book. Everybody wins!

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