
We Belong Here: Lessons from Unconventional Paths to Tech

4. Kate Pond: From Alaskan Park Ranger to Programmer at Alaska Airlines

Kate recently graduated from Ada Developers Academy and is a Developer Apprentice at Alaska Airlines. She has an infectious laugh and such a zest for life that it’s hard not to smile while listening to her talk about her journey today. Although she eventually transitioned to tech, she studied to become a park ranger from a very early age and has her Masters in Environmental Education. Today she shares with me her obsession with nature and her love for storytelling, all Meetups, and geocaching. She’s passionate about promoting diversity in tech and helps organize for the Tech Ladies chapter in Seattle and lives life by the mantra: Every day is a school day.

Kate and I have an honest conversation about how grueling the tech industry can be and she opens up about her personal relationship with depression. We discuss the power of therapy and she acknowledges that although it may be difficult, it’s so important to seek help if you think you might also be struggling with depression yourself. 

This episode interviewing Kate Pond (@OhKPond) is not an episode to miss!


A resource she loved when first learning to code:
To find a local Meetup near you:
The nonprofit she’s passionate about: Tech Ladies
To find a therapist: Psychology Today
An Instagram and Twitter recommendation: TheLatestKate
Book reference: Creative Trespassing by Tania Katan

Find Kate Pond on all things social: @OhKPond

We Belong Here Podcast: 

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