
Functional Geekery

Functional Geekery Episode 102 - Brian Hicks

In this episode I talk with Brian Hicks. We talk his into to Elm, Elm Conf, the State of Elm Survey, community building, and more.

Our Guest, Brian Hicks
The JSON Survival Kit – Use code `geekery` for 10% off
@brianhicks on Twitter
brianhicks on Github

Conference Announcements

Compose Melbourne will be taking place August 28th and 29th. For more information and to register, visit

The Strange Loop coming! It will be held in St. Louis, MO on September 28-30, 2017 at the Peabody Opera House. To submit your CfP, visit

PWLConf 2017 will be taking place September 28th in St. Louis, MO, before Strange Loop. Visit for more information and to stay updated on latest announcements.

Open FSharp will be taking place the 28th-29th of September in San Francisco, California. Visit for more information and to register.

RacketCon is October 7th & 8th at the University of Washington, with keynote speakers Dan Friedman and Will Byrd. Visit for more information and to register.

LambdaWorld will be taking place in Cadiz, Spain on October 26th and 27th. For more information visit and to keep updated visit

CodeMesh is coming up November 8th and 9th in London. For more information, and to keep an eye open for registration, visit

Moonconf will be taking place the 9th-11th of November. For more information visit

If you have a conference related to functional programming, contact me, and I will be happy to announce it.


Some of you have asked how you can support Functional Geekery, in that vein,
Functional Geekery now has a Patreon Page.

If that is one of the ways you would like to show your support, you can
find out more at

Topics [@4:20]

About Brian
I Brian got introduced to programming
Functional Programming Principles in Scala Coursera Course
STL Python Group
Learning “You can implement any collection operator with foldl and foldr”
Experience folding functional programming constructs back into Python
Strange Loop
Make the Back-end Team Jealous
Mantl UI frontend
First experience getting into Elm
Union Types
JSON.Decode library
Pipeline operator in Elm
Currying in Elm
Error Messages in Elm
Using the compiler as a tool to guide a refactoring
What prompted putting on Elm Conf
St. Louis Elm user group
Elm Conf US 2017 is taking place September 28
State of Elm Survey
State of Elm Survey 2017 Results
State of Elm Survey 2017 overview
Integrating Elm into your existing JavaScript application
style-elements from Matthew Griffith
High level picture of Elm components
“The benefit of Elm is creating apps that don’t break”
“Elm approach to API design is rather like grilling something versus cooking it sous-vide
Teasing Elm Conf 2017
Strange Loop
“I’m happy to recommend restaurants as I am local”
Elm Conf US compared to other Elm Conferences
Elm Europe
Oslo Elm Day
Encouragements for getting more Elm Conferences
Start a Elm user group
Recommendations and places to get started
Elm Slack
Elm sub-reddit
Elm in Action
The JSON Survival Kit
Use code `geekery` for 10% off
Planet Elm

As always, a giant Thank You goes to David Belcher for the logo design.

Episode source