
Front End Happy Hour

Episode 006 - Unit testing and whiskey tasting

We’ve all heard unit testing is good, but how do you get started writing unit tests? In this episode of Front End Happy Hour we share our experiences and advice writing unit tests. We discuss why it’s important and beneficial to have unit tests in your JavaScript. We share how we’ve approached unit tests and what a good unit test looks like. We also talk about the various tools and frameworks available to get your code properly tested.

Items mentioned in the episode:
Selenium, Black-box testing, White-box testing, Ember guides, Mocha, Jasmine, QUnit, Tape, Jest, Webpack, 5 Questions Every Unit Test Must Answer, Ember CLI, React CLI, Karma, What is the difference between a test runner, testing framwork, assertion library, and a testing plugin?, Ember Guides introduction to Unit Testing

Ryan Burgess - @burgessdryan
Augustus Yuan - @augburto
Jem Young - @JemYoung
Derrick Showers - @derrickshowers

Ryan Burgess - Caffeine for Mac
Ryan Burgess - Odesza
Augustus Yuan - Google Doodles
Augustus Yuan - OSSU Computer Science curriculum
Augustus Yuan - Mura Masa - What If I Go?
Augustus Yuan - teamLab: Living Digital Space and Future Parks
Jem Young - Flume - the mixtape
Jem Young - Programming Sucks
Jem Young - Hype Machine
Derrick Showers - Google Calendar goals
Derrick Showers - $13 bluetooth headset

Episode source