
Front End Happy Hour

Episode 004 - ES6 and a Six Pack

ECMAScript 6 was a major release for the JavaScript language. There’s a lot of great new features that have been added. In this episode we discuss how you can start using ES6 today and what we’ll start seeing in the next year for the latest update to ECMAScript. We share our favorite features and the best ways to learn and stay up to date with new features.

Items mentioned in the episode:
ESNext, Ben Lesh - Netflix JavaScript Talks - RxJS Version 5, Ponyfoo blog, 5 Minutes of JavaScript, Compat Table ES6, Facebook Codemod

Derrick Showers - @derrickshowers
Jem Young - @JemYoung
Ryan Anklam - @bittersweetryan
Ryan Burgess - @burgessdryan
Brian Holt - @holtbt
Augustus Yuan - @augburto
Sarah Federman - @sarah_federman

Ryan Anklam - 1Password
Ryan Anklam - Vim Tabular
Ryan Anklam - 90s Hip Hop
Ryan Burgess - Elegant React with ES6 (and a bit of ES7) - React Rally
Ryan Burgess - Lot 40 Whiskey
Sarah Federman - HTML5 Please
Sarah Federman - Death Medieval
Sarah Federman - Microsoft AI Bot
Jem Young - ES6 Cheatsheet
Jem Young - Cult of the Party Parrot
Derrick Showers - Babel’s “try it out”
Derrick Showers - Latest greatest webapp
Derrick Showers - Trello
Augustus Yuan - Tilt Brush
Augustus Yuan - Cotton Bureau
Augustus Yuan - Spacemacs
Brian Holt - The little Schemer
Brian Holt - Frontend Masters
Brian Holt - Ellee

Episode source