
Ethical Data, Explained

Brand Protection for E-Commerce: MAP Violations and Gray Market Threats with Adolfo Hoyos, Head of Technology of Brand Guarde

In this episode, Henry Ng is joined by Adolfo Hoyos, Head of Technology at Brand Guard, a startup that helps companies protect their intellectual property on e-commerce marketplaces, namely Amazon and Walmart, by providing software and services focused on getting rid of unauthorized and counterfeit resellers. 
They discuss the manufacturer-reseller relationship and threats that one's brand can encounter on e-commerce marketplaces. Adolfo discusses the data collection practices that Brand Guard performs in their work, as well as how they handle their own data or data produced by their clients. We will also dive into some advice on how to protect one's brand from MAP violations (i.e., a reseller advertising a product below the appointed price which was set in a MAP policy agreement between a manufacturer and its retailers).


1.    “The term "malicious" is sometimes subjective because what may be considered malicious to one person may be viewed as benevolent by others. For instance, our business involves removing unwanted sellers from marketplaces. From the seller's perspective, we may appear to be acting maliciously by using their publicly available contact information to send cease and desist letters and interfering with their business operations. However, we are also protecting the brand and enforcing its policies.”
2.    “Before posting any information online, it is important to consider the potential consequences. Ask yourself if the information will be accessible to everyone and what impact it may have on you. This is a good approach for individuals and companies alike who are concerned about safeguarding their brand.”

Who Would Adolfo Like to Take For Lunch in the Ops World?

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