
Developing Leadership

Episode 5 | Should Engineers be Masters of None? with Anton Drukh from Snyk

Former GM of Snyk, Anton Drukh, recently became a mentor for VPs of Engineering and joined us on this week's episode to discuss his experiences leading a team split between two very different cultures. His journey as a leader working with teams in Israel and the UK is a lens into how diversity of mentalities can be an essential asset for tech companies and how it played a role in Snyk's success.

In this episode we spoke candidly about promotions, how teams evolve as companies shed their skin and grow, and the not so obvious career steps from engineer to engineering leader. The shift towards full-stack engineering is in motion. Can organizations rise to the occasion?

Dive deeper into the topics discussed on this episode at 

Developing Leadership is a podcast presented by Athenian. We are introducing the world of engineering to metrics and data that improve processes and help teams. If you want to learn more about data-enabled engineering, go to


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