
Developer on Fire

Episode 297 | Howie Ross - Unlocking Potential

Howie Ross talks with Dave Rael

Howie Ross has been taking things apart and putting them back together for over 30 years. He has been building software, primarily for the web, for over 12 years and leading and building teams for over 5 years. He is currently the Director of Engineering at Cloud Hosting Provider, Linode, where he leads teams working on public APIs and open source single page apps. He has lectured for the UX/IxD Masters program at Thomas Jefferson University and spoke at boot camps, meetups, and conferences. Howie also consults with digital agencies, advises startups and does some career coaching. Howie is a beer and coffee geek who enjoys hiking, biking, running and climbing outdoors.

Howie's top 3 tips for delivering more value:
  1. Do your homework on the business you serve or might serve
  2. Step up and volunteer (especially in doing the things nobody else wants to do)
  3. Plant seeds and let them grow

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