
Developer on Fire

Episode 173 | Jon Jagger - Know Why

Jon Jagger talks with Dave Rael about options, purpose, priorities, and making useful things

Jon Jagger is a software consultant specializing in practice, process, test driven development, and complex-adaptive systems-thinking. He helps teams improve their effectiveness at collaboratively developing software. Hire him! If you don’t like his work he won’t invoice you. He's 30 years old (hex) and he's loved software since he was 10 (decimal). He built to promote deliberate practice for software developers. It's an open source project, and if you're a commercial organization making use of the public server you need a license, and all the money raised goes to a charity he has setup which buys Raspberry Pis for kids. He's an author, former conference chairman, and a proud father and husband who loves coarse fishing and salmon fishing and lives in Somerset, England.

Jon's top 3 tips for delivering more value:
  1. Do stuff in iterations
  2. Get feedback and make sure you use it
  3. Get the point across via telling stories and analogies

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