
Developer on Fire

Episode 043 | Greger Wikstrand - Specializing in Generalizing

Greger Wikstrand talks with Dave Rael about coaching and teaching, delivering, the value of well-rounded professionals, and the necessity of agreeing on what is of value

Greger Wikstrand has worked as a project manager and software professional for over 10 years. He has worked with Agile Project Management since 2007. He has managed agile projects of various sizes and types. He has introduced agile in organizations and to people. He has coached several individuals, organizations and projects on Agile project management. Greger Wikstrand has a background as both a practioner and a researcher. He makes a living as a consultant based in Malmö (mahl-meh), Sweden.

Greger's top 3 tips for delivering more value:

1. Deliver deliverables and not activities
2. Make sure the recipients of your delivery agree on what should be a valuable delivery
3. Make sure you actually deliver to these people

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