Andy Hunt talks with Dave Rael about the futility of long-range plans, learning on the fly, going with the flow, agility, and experimentation
Andy Hunt is an author and publisher, avid musician, and sometimes woodworker. When not making noise or firewood he occasionally speaks at conferences. He has been active in the field of software development since before the @ sign. He co-authored The Pragmatic Programmer with Dave as well as seven other titles, was an author of the Agile Manifesto, and tweets random bits about code, life, and zen at @PragmaticAndy.
- - Dave introduces the show and Andy Hunt
- - Andy's experience with tackling an impossible project and meeting Dave Thomas
- - Recognition of patterns in the problems encountered in consulting - the genesis of The Pragmatic Programmer
- - Seeking an awesome language/platform with scripting ability and object support and discovering Ruby - and writing another book
- - Experiences with economic crashes and ludicrous clients
- - Accidentally formatting and producing and indexing of books before it was easy and cool
- - Accidentally becoming a publisher
- - The relative novelty of software development as a discipline
- - Vested interests in writing books and freedom
- - Learning, keeping current, and throwing caution to the wind
- - Carving out time to play with learning new things
- - Learning about new ways to approach problems
- - "Long-range planning doesn't buy you much"
- - Agile vs Agility
- - Dogmatic adherence to practice as agile and pronouncements of not agile
- - Lack of computer science curriculum in education
- - GROWS method
- - Getting people in the habit of doing the right thing (building good habits) and the stages of skills acquisition
- - Andy's top 3 tips for delivering more value
- - Keeping up with Andy
- - Farewell
- Andy's Website
- The Pragmatic BookShelf
- Manifesto for Agile Software Development (The Agile Manifesto)
- The Pragmatic Programmer
- Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change - Kent Beck, Cynthia Andres
- Test-driven development
- Behaviour-driven development
- LaTeX
- Subversion
- git
- Elixir
- Phoenix Framework
- ENIAC (constructed 1943-1946)
- Frozen (Let It Go) Parody - Let It Flow
- GROWS method - what Agile should have been
- The Karate Kid - Wax On, Wax Off
- Dreyfus Brothers and Skills Acquisition
- Beef Wellington
Andy's top 3 tips for delivering more value:
1. Determine the context
2. Always ask why
3. Interact with the people who know