
Developer on Fire

Episode 041 | Dan Dalrymple - The History Coder

Dan Dalrymple talks with Dave Rael about motivation, learning to write software, teaching and learning, and leaving fear behind

When he is not busy coding, Dan Dalrymple is a history professor at Bethel University, a small liberal arts college in West Tennessee. He received his Ph.D. in History from Michigan State University in 2008 with an emphasis on American, African American, and Caribbean history. He began learning to code in July 2015 a couple of google searches after reading Shawn McGrath's article on on the beautiful source code of Doom 3 ( Since making the decision to start coding he has worked in Ruby, Python, and JavaScript and worked through a number of different online resources, books, and tutorials. Dan is currently focusing on JavaScript using a combination of TreeHouse tutorials and Free Code Camp to help him along the way. He writes a daily blog about his experiences learning to code and hopes to be a competent coder within the year. Dan also aspires to be a contributor to the conversation about the ways in which new coders learn, what works, and how best to get started finding your inner programmer.

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