
Developer on Fire

Episode 010 | Kevin Krueger - Finding The Root of the Problem

Kevin Krueger talks with Dave Rael about identifying what will really help clients and delivering solutions

Kevin Krueger is Founder and Principal Consultant at SolutionWave, a small software development consulting firm in Longmont, Colorado. Kevin's business experience started in the 9th grade when he and business partner started selling computers in rural North Dakota. A few years after graduating from North Dakota State University in Fargo, Kevin moved to Colorado in 2001. Today he specializes in web and mobile development on the Microsoft platform.

SolutionWave - Kevin's business website
Dan North on the conflict between quality and emotional attachment - the developer's dilemma - particularly addressed at the 19:04 mark

Kevin's top 3 tips for delivering more value:
1. Get to the root of the problem beneath the surface of a request
2. Address and ship the Minimum Viable Product
3. Don't be afraid to be wrong- "strong opinions weakly held"

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