

S1:E6 - Little-Known Productivity Tools; Big Productivity Gains

In this episode, we go through our favorite hardware and software that allows us to be the best developers and designers we can be. We invite DEV Principal Software Engineer, Josh Puetz, and DEV Lead Product Designer, Lisa Sy, to talk about their favorite desk setup, organizational, and efficiency tools.

Show Notes

Josh Puetz

Josh Puetz is Principal Software Engineer at DEV

Lisa Sy

Lisa Sy is Lead Product Designer at DEV

Episode source

juanapa profile image
Juan Aparicio

great episode, currently I use notion for a few projects as a knowledge repository, but haven't had the time to learn it in depth. I'll give it a try and use it more often after what you mentioned of using it to organize your weekly tasks and keep on track!

harshal11 profile image

Really a wonderful list of hardware and software. Great session. I don't use a lot in the mentioned but have seen them as many of my friends use them. The things I have used or currently using are (from the above list) are Visual Studio Code, Java, Zoom, Sketch, Notes, and definitely a big YES to Windows7

offlineprogrammer profile image
Offline Programmer

Great episode... I used some tools mentioned Notion, Alfred & Spectacle

thevikas profile image
thevikas #BanDigitalElections

Was nice episode. I use gtimelog + task warrior

elspecal profile image
Miklós Csepella

geat show! whats the song at the end starting at ~41:20?

nivesh002 profile image
Nivesh • Edited

Alfred(+powerpack) is best investment I have made so far in macOS apps. You get free workflow store with alfred, for numerous productivity tools .

macbikegeek profile image

I LOVE Rectangle ( - super Mac window management app!

msavin profile image
Max Savin

Would love for you to try Paletter - it helps you create entire palettes from a single color. DM @msavin for a voucher :D

technbuzz profile image
Samiullah Khan

What's is the best gif recording tool for windows? I use LICEcap but I found here CloudApp.

elanandkumar profile image
Anand Kumar

Can we please get the typo and link fixed for excalidraw.

The second last in the bullet points above. Excalidraw: