
Coffee with Butterscotch: A Gamedev Comedy Podcast

[Ep158] Safety Appetizer

Hello, Shenanites! This is the first episode we’re recording in our new podcast space! This week, we discuss how buses high-five, opinionated systems, and flying potatoes. If things seem out of whack, it might just be a problem of depth. Advice for cameras and life! Questions answered (abbreviated): - uppscatningsman: I think a lot of us would like to hear what the rest of your [brainstorming process for the Shenanijam] was like because [Goop Legacy] seemingly turned out nothing like the game you talked about in the kick off podcast. - cdcMully: I'm looking for some experience advice regarding the business aspect of creating a studio. I've never started a business before and have no idea where to begin or if it's even necessary? - Anonymous: You always mention "the dads." Can you elaborate? - ILikeEatingPie: In flop rocket, as far as I can tell, the rocket seems to be approximately 1M wide. The pilot, who frequently explodes their way out of that vessel is about 1M tall. All of the other people around the launch pad are much smaller, maybe a 1/3M tall. Does the M actually stand for a meter like I originally thought? That would make everyone really tiny. Is there official lore for this? Also, that potato is huge! Is there any official lore for it? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

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