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david duymelinck
david duymelinck

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Checking out Drupal starshot

I checked the weekly drop and there I found a link to Dries' post to install Drupal CMS. For the people who are not aware of this, the Drupal starshot initiative is an endeavour to make Drupal less developer dependent. This means things like installing modules from the admin interface, making the initial setup easier, the ability to create packages to bootstrap features (which they call recipes), and so on.
This version of the cms is called Drupal cms. For the people who want to build the cms from scratch Drupal will still be available.

The installation

Once the server is setup and you go to the url and this is the page you see.

first install page

This page provides you with a small selection of functionality groups you can select.

Second install page

The second install page is only the site name.
If you don't use the ddev setup you will get the database config page

third install screen

Then you will get page that shows you the progress of the installation.

A detail that I noticed was the icon during the installation.

Install favicon

I think it is nice they already think of a small thing like that.

For developers, drush site:install is available. I had to remember not to use it, the command is ingrained in my drupal setup flow.

The admin interface

For most of the sites I setup content is the landing page for the admin interface. Drupal cms has a dashboard page.

admin dashboard

The first thing i noticed was the user and password message. The Drupal installation asks this during the installation. Don't forget to save the data, because as soon as you go to another page this message is gone.

I like the vertical menu. As I suspected this is due to the Gin admin theme.

admin theme

The create section in the menu is great because it centralises most of the things you can create. One of the things I don't see is webform.
In Drupal a developer needs to set this up, and most of the times the users are taught that if you want to create something go to the section first. So this is great.

admin create section

All the other menu items haven't changed much. As an example here is the configuration section.

admin configuration section

As you see on the screenshot, I was on the extend page. The colors could be further apart for the people that have problems with color visibility.

Notable modules

The first module that got my attention is ECA. At first glance it seems to be used as a part of the workflow.

ECA module

admin ECA

For mail they use the symfony mailer component out of the box. As a developer this makes me happy.
The easy mail module allows simple mail template configuration.

mail modules

I think they have gone overboard with the spam modules. Most of the sites I created need only one to stop spam.

spam modules

As the cookie banner module they added Klaro

The content items are soft deleted by default, because of the trash module.


It feels like the starshot initiative is getting production ready very quickly, as it was only announced in may.

Could this be one of the things that is going to dethrone Wordpress as the most used cms? Time will tell.

I'm excited to see the progress and I thank everyone who already worked on the project!

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