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Man yin Mandy Wong for Tencent Cloud

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How to integrate Chat API with Salesforce

This tutorial aims to demonstrate an approach to integrate the Tencent Cloud IM SDK into Salesforce's workflow to leverage the communication between a Salesforce agent and an end user.


  1. Sign up for Tencent Cloud, register IM service and create an app, see guidence
  2. Sign up for a Salesforce developer account in case you don't have, click here.

Road Map
Three parts are essential to achieve the goal.

  1. An end user application for end user to start an conversation.
  2. An online server for creating a Salesforce case and creating an Tencent Cloud IM chat group. Also provide APIs for invite/delete Salesforce Agent to the group and dismiss the group when case is closed.
  3. An custom Salesforce utilities component for in-Salesforce communication.

Here's the integration map:

Image description

End User Application
Tencent Cloud IM provides a variety of SDKs for the most popular platforms, and you can simply choose the one for your platform, check out our SDKs here: Android, iOS, Web, Flutter, Windows, Unity, Unreal Engine. The recommended way to build your application from scratch is to utilize our TUIKit to layer up the interface, see here: Android, iOS, Web, Flutter.

Online Server Relay
In here, we will guide you step by step to create a web server to allow an end user to submit a Salesforce case and create an Tencent Cloud IM chat group, also allow Salesforce agents to be invited/removed from Tencent Cloud IM chat group and also delete the group when case is closed.

Agent Chat Interface
This tutorial will give you the instructions to create an chat interface in Salesforce and invite agent into the Tencent Cloud IM chat group. Also, you can use our Web UIKit to build this plug-in widget.

Step 1. Create an online server
The online server is for the purpose to connect Salesforce and Tencent Cloud IM, and enables the end user to create a Salesforce case and create an corresponding Tencent Cloud IM chat group.
The example Node server is shown below:

const express = require("express")
const axios = require("axios")
var TLSSigAPIv2 = require("tls-sig-api-v2") // Generate UserSig for Tencent Cloud IM
const sf = require("node-salesforce") // Salesforce API Connection Library for Node.js Applications

const YOUR_SDKAPPID = 1400000000
const YOUR_SECRET = ""
const ADMIN_USERID = ""

const app = express()

const port = process.env.PORT || 3000


app.use(function (req, res, next) {
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "https://YOUR_DOMAIN")
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*")

// End user calls /createticket to create a Salesforce case and a Tencent Cloud IM chat group. Waiting for a Salesforce agent joining to the group."/createticket", async (req, res) => {
const { userId, caseInfo } = req.body
if (!userId) return res.status(500).send("Missing userId")

const auth = await getSalesforceAccessToken()
if (auth.error) return res.status(500).send("Salesforce auth error")

const salesforceCase = await createCase(auth.token, caseInfo)
if (!salesforceCase.success)
return res.status(500).send("Case creation failed")

const groupName =
const result = await createGroup(groupName, userId)
if (result.ErrorCode !== 0)
return res.status(500).send("Group creation failed")


// When detect a new agent assigned to the group, Salesforce sends a request to join this agent to the chat group"/joingroup", async (req, res) => {
const { groupId, userId } = req.body
if (!userId) return res.status(500).send("Missing userId")
if (!groupId) return res.status(500).send("Missing groupId")

const result = await joinGroup(groupId, userId)
if (result.ErrorCode !== 0)
return res.status(500).send("Join group failed")


// When detect an agent removed from the group, Salesforce sends a request to remove this agent from the chat group"/leavegroup", async (req, res) => {
const { groupId, userId } = req.body
if (!userId) return res.status(500).send("Missing userId")
if (!groupId) return res.status(500).send("Missing groupId")

const result = await leaveGroup(groupId, userId)
if (result.ErrorCode !== 0)
return res.status(500).send("Leave group failed")

})"/deletegroup", async (req, res) => {
const { groupId } = req.body
if (!groupId) return res.status(500).send("Missing groupId")

const result = await deleteGroup(groupId)
if (result.ErrorCode !== 0)
return res.status(500).send("Delete group failed")


const getSalesforceAccessToken = async function () {
const url = "https://{your_instance}"
const conn = new sf.Connection({ loginUrl: url })
try {
await conn.login("SF_EMAIL", "SF_PASSWORDSF_TOKEN")
return { error: undefined, token: conn.accessToken }
} catch (e) {
return { error: e, token: undefined }

const createCase = async function (token, caseInfo) {
const { subject, desc, name, email } = caseInfo
const body = {
Subject: subject,
Description: desc,
SuppliedName: name,
SuppliedEmail: email,
const headers = {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: "Bearer " + token,
const url =
try {
const result = await, body, headers)
} catch (e) {
return { id: undefined, success: false, error: e }

const generateUserSig = function () {
const expires = 600
return api.genSig(ADMIN_USERID, expires)

const generateRandom = function () {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 4294967295)

const createGroup = async function (groupName, userId) {
const sig = generateUserSig()
const random = generateRandom()
// Use as group ID
const data = { Owner_Account: userId, Type: "Public", Name: groupName, GroupId: groupName }
const url =${YOUR_SDKAPPID}&identifier=${ADMIN_USERID}&usersig=${sig}&random=${random}&contenttype=json
try {
const groupRes = await, data)
} catch (e) {
return { ErrorCode: -1, ErrorInfo: e }

const joinGroup = async function (groupId, userId) {
const sig = generateUserSig()
const random = generateRandom()
const data = { GroupId: groupId, MemberList: [{ Member_Account: userId }] }
const url =${YOUR_SDKAPPID}&identifier=${ADMIN_USERID}&usersig=${sig}&random=${random}&contenttype=json
try {
const groupRes = await, data)
} catch (e) {
return { ErrorCode: -1, ErrorInfo: e }

const leaveGroup = async function (groupId, userId) {
const sig = generateUserSig()
const random = generateRandom()
const data = { GroupId: groupId, MemberToDel_Account: [userId] }
const url =${YOUR_SDKAPPID}&identifier=${ADMIN_USERID}&usersig=${sig}&random=${random}&contenttype=json
try {
const groupRes = await, data)
} catch (e) {
return { ErrorCode: -1, ErrorInfo: e }

const deleteGroup = async function (groupId) {
const sig = generateUserSig()
const random = generateRandom()
const data = { GroupId: groupId }
const url =${YOUR_SDKAPPID}&identifier=${ADMIN_USERID}&usersig=${sig}&random=${random}&contenttype=json
try {
const groupRes = await, data)
} catch (e) {
return { ErrorCode: -1, ErrorInfo: e }

app.listen(process.env.PORT || port, () =>
console.log(Example app listening on port ${port}!)

The server supports a route /createticket for the end user to create a case in Salesforce and a chat group in Tencent Cloud IM. Here's what we do here:

(1) First we fetch an accessToken from Salesforce, more about SF_TOKEN.

const getSalorceAccessToken = async function () {
const url = "https://{your_instance}"
const conn = new sf.Connection({ loginUrl: url })
try {
await conn.login("SF_EMAIL", "SF_PASSWORDSF_TOKEN")
return { error: undefined, token: conn.accessToken }
} catch (e) {
return { error: e, token: undefined }

(2) Create a Sales force case.

const createCase = async function (token, caseInfo) {
const { subject, desc, name, email } = caseInfo
const body = {
Subject: subject,
Description: desc,
SuppliedName: name,
SuppliedEmail: email,
const headers = {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: "Bearer " + token,
const url =
try {
const result = await, body, headers)
} catch (e) {
return { id: undefined, success: false, error: e }

(3) Generate UserSig for Tencent Cloud IM
const generateUserSig = function () {
const expires = 600
return api.genSig(ADMIN_USERID, expires)

(4) Create a Tencent Cloud IM chat group by case ID auser ID

Const createGroup = async function (groupName, userId) const sig = generateUserSig()
const random = generateRandom()
const data = { Owner_Account: userId, Type: "Public", Name: groupName }
const url =${YOUR_SDKAPPID}&identifier=${ADMIN_USERID}&usersig=${sig}&random=${random}&contenttype=json
try {
const groupRes = await, data)
} catch (e) {
return { ErrorCode: -1, ErrorInfo: e }

In addition, the web server provides routes to join/leave/delete ancent Cloud IM chat group by case ID and agent ID. These are used when Salesforce trigger detects the changing of case agent. More details will be discussed in Step 3.

const joinGroup = async function (groupId, userId) {
const sig = grateUserSig()
const random = generateRandom()
const data = { GroupId: groupId, MemberList: [{ Member_Account: userId }] }
const url =${YOUR_SDKAPPID}&identifier=${ADMIN_USERID}&usersig=${sig}&random=${random}&contenttype=json
try {
const groupRes = await, data)
} catch (e) {
return { ErrorCode: -1, ErrorInfo: e }

const leaveGroup = async function (groupId, userId) {
const sig = generateUserSig()
const random = generateRandom()
const data = { GroupId: groupId, MemberToDel_Account: [userId] }
const url =${YOUR_SDKAPPID}&identifier=${ADMIN_USERID}&usersig=${sig}&random=${random}&contenttype=json
try {
const groupRes = await, data)
} catch (e) {
return { ErrorCode: -1, ErrorInfo: e }

const deleteGroup = async function (groupId) {
const sig = generateUserSig()
const random = generateRandom()
const data = { GroupId: groupId }
const url =${YOUR_SDKAPPID}&identifier=${ADMIN_USERID}&usersig=${sig}&random=${random}&contenttype=json
try {
const groupRes = await, data)
} catch (e) {
return { ErrorCode: -1, ErrorInfo: e }

That's all for the web server side. Once you set up the server, call the endpoincreateticket and
● Check in Salesforce that a case is created.
● Check in the Tencent Cloud IM consolefor the group with the case ID as the group ID.

Step 2. Use the Tencent Cloud IM Web UI Kit to build a Salesforce utilities componet

Here we show the steps to create a Salesforce utilities component with Tencent Cloud IM UI Kit. In Salesforce you may use Lightning Container to upload a third-party i-frame as a static resource, and host the content in an Aura component using lightning:container. And you can use Tencent Cloud IM Web UIKit to build an agent chat component, and deploy it in the Lightning Container as a Salesforce utilities bar widget at the bottom.

(1) First, develop a chat component by using Tencent Cloud IM Web UIKit. Build it as a static resource with a root index.html and compress it as an zip file. Case agent's ID will be transmitted to the chat component, use that ID to init and login Tencent Cloud IM in the chat component.

(2) Create a Lightning Container for your component, details arehere.

2.1 Go to Salesforce [Developer Console](
2.2 Click File -> New -> Lightning Component
2.3 Name = "tim_utilities_bar"
2.4 Click submit
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

(3) Render the custom component to your bar widget.
3.1 Set aura:component as a utility bar and provide an aura:id

<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global">
  <lightning:utilityBarAPI aura:id="utilitybar" />

3.2 Upload the static resource to the Lightning Container

a. Go to Salesforce [static resources]( and create a new resource called "tim_bar"
b. Upload the zip file of the resource and set "Cache Control" to "Public"
c. Click Save


- Index.html should always be at the root level of the .zip file
- Be sure to click “save” after uploading your file.
- Salesforce saves the resource name, not the name of the .zip file.
- 100% of the code and assets you use in a Lightning Component will need to be included in the .zip file. Any external code dependencies will not work even if they are whitelisted in the CSP trusted sites list.

3.3 Reference the static resource "tim_bar" in the Utilities Bar widget

a. Add a lightning:container tag to the Utilities Bar widget. The aura:id should be "TIM_Bar".
b. Reference the static resource. "!$Resource.tim_bar + '/index.html'}" . Note that tim_bar is the saved "static resource", not the name of the uploaded .zip file.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global">
  <lightning:utilityBarAPI aura:id="utilitybar" />
  <aura:attribute name="recordId" type="String" />
  <aura:attribute name="data" type="String" />
  <lightning:navigation aura:id="navService" />
    src="{!$Resource.tim_bar + '/index.html'}"

3.4 Add the Utilities Bar Widget to display in Salesforce

a. Click "Setup" and search for "App Manager" to set where the Utilities Bar widget will appear
b. Click "▾" and "Edit" in the App called Service Console
c. In App Setting, click "Utility Items (Desktop Only)"
d. Click "Add Utility Item"
e. Select the "tim_utilities_bar"
f. Set the width and height
g. Check "Start automatically"
h. Click -> "Save"

3.5 Update the Salesforce CSP file to grant permissions to Access Tencent Cloud IM in Salesforce
a. Go to Salesforce -> Setup -> Search -> "CSP Trusted sites"
b. Add "New Trusted Sites" (allow all CSP Directives):
  - wss://
c. Go to Salesforce -> Setup -> Search -> "CORS"
d. Add "New" Allowed Origins List:
  - https://*
  - https://*
e. Go to Salesforce -> Setup -> Search -> ""
f. Add "New Remote Site" List:
  - The Url of the web server!
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

(4) Initialize the Lightning Container

  • Once Lightning Container is ready, send an LLC message to inform Utilities Bar Widget
  • Utilities Bar Widget needs to send Agent's id to our component
  • Once received messages from Utilities Bar Widget, we render the UIKit

    Follow the code shown below:
    // tim_utilities_barController.js
    handleMessage: function(component, message, helper) {
    var payload = message.getParams().payload
    // Once container is ready, initUIKit
    if (payload === "READY") helper.initUIKit(component, message, helper)

    initUIKit: function (component, message, helper) {
    // Get Agent's ID
    var userId = $A.get("$SObjectType.CurrentUser.Id")
    var message = { userId: userId }
    try {
    // Send the ID to the component
    } catch (err) {
    console.error("Error from Utilities Bar:", err)

    Add onMessage handler to the Utilities Bar Widget

    src="{!$Resource.tim_bar + '/index.html'}"

    In your script, use LLC package to render your app when Lightning Container has loaded.
    // index.js
    try {
    const clientState = "READY";
    console.warn("Lightning Container --> TO SALESFORCE --> Sent:", clientState);
    } catch (e) {
    console.error("LLC NOT WORKING", e);
    try {
    LLC.addErrorHandler((error) => console.log("LLC ERROR:", error));
    LLC.addMessageHandler((salesforceMessage) => {
    console.warn("SALESFORCE --> Lightning Container --> Arrived:", salesforceMessage);
    const app = createApp(App, {
    user: salesforceMessage
    } catch (e) {
    console.error("Error from LLC!!", e);

Step 3. Listen for Salesforce Case assignment and set IM Chat Group members
In Saleforce, a case is assigned to an agent manually or automatically. Hence we need to invite new agent to the group and make the previous agent leaves the group. We use Salesforce Apex Callous to listen for the changing of the case agent assignment. Here's what to do by calling the Salesforce Apex Callout.

(1) Listen to manual case assignment
When the designated agent to one case is changed, the Apex Case Change Trigger calls the Apex Callout. In the callout, we delete the previous agent from the Tencent Cloud IM chat group and invite the new agent to the group. And when case is deleted, dismiss the Tencent Cloud IM group accordingly.

Go to Salesforce Developer console –> New –> Apex Trigger –> Name = "AssignAgent" & sObject = "Case"
// AssignAgent.apxt
trigger AssignAgent on Case (after update, after delete) {
// Case is updating
System.debug('Case Update Fired:');
for(Case a :{
Case oldCase = trigger.oldMap.get(a.ID);
if(String.valueOf(a.OwnerId).substring(0, 3) == '005'){
// Owner Agent ID is changed, 005 prefix means agent ID
System.debug('Agent invited :' + a.OwnerId);
// Assign new owner to the Tencent Cloud IM group
String[] data = new String[2];
data[0] = a.Id; // Case ID is group ID
data[1] = a.OwnerId;
TimCallouts.joinGroup(data); //Custom callout class
// New case agent is different fromthe current agent
if(String.valueOf(oldCase.OwnerId).substring(0, 3) == '005' && oldCase.OwnerId != a.OwnerId && String.valueOf(a.OwnerId).substring(0, 3) == '005'){
// Delete the old agent from the group.
// Note: A Case's very first owner will be the system owner.
System.debug('Old Agent will be removed from group' + a.Id);
System.debug('leaveGroup: ' + oldCase.OwnerId);
String[] removeData = new String[2];
removeData[0] = a.Id; // Case ID is group ID
removeData[1] = oldCase.OwnerId;
if(trigger.isDelete ){
// Case is deleting
System.debug('Case Delete Fired:');
for(Case a : trigger.old){
if(String.valueOf(a.OwnerId).substring(0, 3) == '005'){
System.debug('Delete Group :' + a.Id);
String[] data = new String[1];
data[0] = a.Id;
TimCallouts.deleteGroup(data); //Custom callout class

(2) Listen to automatic case assignment by Salesforce Omni Channel
Omni Channel detects a case assignment and Salesforce automatically creates an AgentWork object. If an agent accepts the assignment, the AgentWork Trigger may use Salesforce Callout to join the group.
Go to Salesforce Developer console –> New –> Apex Trigger –> Name = "AgentOmniChannel" & sObject = "AgentWork"
// AgentOmniChanne.apxt
trigger AgentOmniChannel on AgentWork (after update, after insert) {
for(AgentWork a :{
AgentWork oldCase = Trigger.oldMap.get(a.ID);
if(a.Status == 'Opened' && String.valueOf(a.OwnerId).substring(0, 3) == '005' ){
String[] data = new String[2];
data[0] = a.WorkItemId;
data[1] = a.OwnerId;

(3) Set Salesforce Callout to invite/remove agents.
Go to Salesforce Developer console –> New –> Apex Class –> Name = "TIMCallOuts"
// TIMCallOuts.apxc
public class TIMCallouts {
public static void joinGroup(String[] data) {
String groupId = data[0];
String userId = data[1];
Http http = new Http();
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=UTF-8');
request.setBody('{"userId":"'+ userId +'", "groupId":"'+ groupId +'"}');
HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
// Parse the JSON response
if (response.getStatusCode() != 200) {
System.debug('Join group failed: '+response.getStatusCode()+' '+response.getStatus());
} else {
System.debug('Tencent Cloud IM Response: ' + response.getBody());

  public static void leaveGroup(String[] data) {
      String groupId = data[0];
      String userId = data[1];
      Http http = new Http();
      HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
      request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=UTF-8');
      // Set the body as a JSON object
      request.setBody('{"userId":"'+ userId +'", "groupId":"'+ groupId +'"}');
      HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
      // Parse the JSON response
      if (response.getStatusCode() != 200) {
        System.debug('Leave group failed: ' + response.getStatusCode() + ' ' + response.getStatus());
      } else {
        System.debug('Tencent Cloud IM Response: ' + response.getBody());

    public static void deleteGroup(String data) {
      String groupId = data;
      Http http = new Http();
      HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
      request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=UTF-8');
      // Set the body as a JSON object
      request.setBody('{"groupId":"'+ groupId + '}');
      HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
      // Parse the JSON response
      if (response.getStatusCode() != 200) {
        System.debug('Delete group failed: ' + response.getStatusCode() + ' ' + response.getStatus());
      } else {
        System.debug('Tencent Cloud IM Response: ' + response.getBody());
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

That's all you need to know to allow end users from any appliction to strt chatting with a Salesforce agent. If you have any further questions please send an e-mail at, we'd be delighted to give you more details about the solution or any other solutions to build a modern real-time communication system via Tencent Cloud IM.

Top comments (2)

edenwheeler profile image
Eden Wheeler

Thanks for sharing this article provides a detailed and step-by-step guide on how to integrate Tencent Cloud IM with Salesforce. The instructions are clear and easy to follow, and the author does a good job of explaining the different concepts involved. I particularly liked the section on how to create a chat group in Tencent Cloud IM for each case created in Salesforce. This is a great way to keep track of customer interactions and ensure that everyone involved is on the same page. You can also check this - salesforce admin training

Overall, this is a very well-written and informative article that I would recommend to anyone who is looking to integrate Tencent Cloud IM with Salesforce.

treblecode profile image

You have a typo at this line for the word function:

const createCase = async ftion