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Why most HTTP servers are multithreaded and how to build one from scratch

We all know that TCP is the most reliable protocol for two machines to communicate over a network. But the real question is: how does a single web server handle and serve multiple TCP connections simultaneously?

In this post, we’ll explore this by building our own server from scratch using raw sockets. Along the way, we’ll dive into system calls , socket programming , their limitations , and finally, tune our approach to efficiently handle multiple requests at once.

Let’s jump right into it! 🚀

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What are sockets?

Sockets are a digital interface that wrap communication specifics, enabling machines to exchange data. In this post, the term socket primarily refers to the interface provided by Python to the Berkeley Sockets API.

There are typically two types of socket connections:

  1. UDP connections
  2. TCP connections

We’ll focus on TCP in this post. However, it's worth noting that UDP operates similarly, with the main difference lying in the guarantees each protocol offers.

  • TCP prioritizes reliability , ensuring data is delivered in order and without errors.
  • UDP is more of a fire-and-forget protocol, focusing on speed over reliability.

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What exactly is a TCP server?

In simple terms, a TCP server is a process running on a machine that listens to a specific port and understands TCP. For example, you can start an Apache server , a Flask server , or any other server that listens on a particular port.

Any machine that wants to communicate with the server must connect to that port and establish a TCP connection.

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How a web server works

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Essentially this is all what a web server or any TCP server for that matter does, it reserves a port for a process, waits for a client to connect, read the request from the client, processes it, and sends back to response to the client, finally closing the connection.

The pseudocode for this can be written as this.

reserve(8080) <- -reserve a port
for {
    conn, addr = s.accept()
    - process

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Step 1 : Start listening on a port

Let's start with reserving a port for our server. I will be using python to demonstrate this, but you can pick up any programming language.

import socket

# Import the socket module, which provides the necessary functions to create a socket object.

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Socket object creation. The first parameter is the address family, 
# which is AF_INET for IPv4. 
# The second parameter is the socket type, which is SOCK_STREAM for TCP.

sock.bind(('localhost', 8080))
# Bind the socket to the address and port.

# Here we have reserved the port 8080 for the server to listen on.
# We can see that we have successfully reserved the port by running the following command in the command prompt:
# netstat -an | find "8080"
# If on unix, use the following command:
# netstat -an | grep "8080"

# Listen for incoming connections.
# we can connect to the server using the command prompt by running the following command:
# telnet localhost 8080

import time
# This sleep function is used to keep the server running for a while, 
# so that we can test the connection using the client.

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Once the socket is created, we call bind() to associate it with a specific address and port. In this case, we bind the server to localhost ( on port 8080. This action effectively reserves the port, making it unavailable for other applications. To verify the port is reserved, you can run the netstat command in the terminal to see if the port is actively in use.

The next step is to call the listen() method, which prepares the server to accept incoming connections. It doesn’t block the program, but it places the server in a listening state, so it’s ready to handle client requests. At this point, the server is actively waiting for clients to connect.

To test the server, we use the time.sleep(1000) function, which keeps the server running for a while, allowing us to connect to it. While the server is running, you can test the connection using a tool like Telnet by running the command telnet localhost 8080 from another terminal. If everything is set up correctly, the client will be able to connect to the server.

Now when, we run this program, we can see the server is listening on port 8080 which means that port is reserved successfully for our server to communicate via TCP

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We create a server in Python by creating a TCP socket, binding it to localhost on port 8080 , and making it listen for incoming connections. The bind() method reserves the port, while listen() prepares the server to accept clients. We use time.sleep() to keep the server running long enough to test the connection. To verify the port is reserved, we can check using netstat. Once the server is active, we can test it by connecting via Telnet.

Step 2 - Waiting for a connection to happen

import socket

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind(('localhost', 8080))


# Try running this code

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Now that our server is listening for incoming connections, the next step is to actually accept a connection from a client. This is where the sock.accept() method comes into play.

If you run the above code you'll notice that the program does not simply exit, but keeps running forever. This is because we have used a blocking system call - accept, which will wait for a connection to happen, and until the connection happens, the program's execution will be stuck at that point.

The accept() method is a blocking system call. What this means is that when the server executes sock.accept(), the program will pause and wait until a client establishes a connection. It won’t continue executing until a client reaches out to the server. This behavior is crucial in network programming, as it ensures the server is ready to handle each client’s request one at a time. Once a client connects, the server can proceed with processing the request and responding.

A system call is an interface between user programs and the operating system kernel. When you call a system function like accept(), the request is passed to the OS, which handles the lower-level aspects of managing hardware and resources. In the case of accept(), the OS performs the necessary steps to establish the connection between the client and the server.

In non-blocking system calls, the program continues execution even if the operation isn’t complete. However, in blocking calls like accept(), the program waits for the system to return the necessary data or complete the action, which in this case is the establishment of a network connection with a client.

Here’s how the accept() method actually fits into our Python code:

import socket

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind(('localhost', 8080))


conn, address = sock.accept() 
# This is a blocking call. It waits until a client connects.
print(f"Connection established with {address}")`

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Try running the above code, and sending a request to the server with the following command - curl http://localhost:8080. You'll see that the server now accepts a connection from client and prints an ip, port pair where the TCP connection was established.

Step 3 - Reading the request

Now that we have successfully accepted a connection from a client, the next step is to read the request from the client. This is a critical part of the process, as the server needs to understand what the client is asking for before responding.

To read the request, we use the recv() method of the conn object, which is the socket returned by sock.accept(). This method reads data from the established connection. Just like accept(), the recv() method is also a blocking call. This means that it will wait until there is data available to read from the client before continuing.

When the server is listening for incoming data, it will pause at the recv() call and only proceed once it has received some data from the client. Once data is received, the server can process the request and prepare a response.

Here’s how you would use recv() to read the client’s request:

import socket

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind(('localhost', 8080))


conn, address = sock.accept() # Blocking call waiting for a client connection
print(f"Connection established with {address}")

# Read the request sent by the client
request = conn.recv(1024) # This will read up to 1024 bytes of data
print(f"Received request: ")
print(request.decode()) # Decode and print the request

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In this example, the recv(1024) call tells the server to wait and read up to 1024 bytes of data. The data received is in bytes , so we use .decode() to convert it into a string for easier readability. The server will now pause and wait for the client to send a request. Once the request is received, it will print the contents of the request.

You can test this by running the server and sending a request to it using curl. For example, running curl http://localhost:8080 from another terminal will initiate a TCP connection to the server, which will then read the incoming request.

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Step 4 - Sending response to client, and closing the connection

import socket

def process_request(request):
    import time
    time.sleep(10) # Simulate a long running process

    # Simple http response
    response = b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
    response += b"Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
    response += b"Content-Length: 11\r\n"
    response += b"\r\n"
    response += b"Hello World"
    return response

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind(('localhost', 8080))


conn, address = sock.accept() # Blocking call waiting for a client connection
print(f"Connection established with {address}")

# Read the request sent by the client
request = conn.recv(1024) # This will read up to 1024 bytes of data
print(f"Received request:")

# Process the request
response = process_request(request)
conn.send(response) # Send the response back to the client


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At this point, we simply send Hello World back to the client. And to simulate a long running process we create a function called process_request which sleeps for 10 seconds and sends back Hello World to the client. You don't need to worry about the HTTP/1.1.... part it's just a way of sending back text in HTTP protocol so that browsers, and curl understand that this is a webpage for rendering it correctly.

We then send this response using conn.send() - which invokes write system call as all we are doing is reading http request message from client via socket, and writing a response back to the client in http response format. This is all a web server does.

Now when I run my server, and send a request to it using curl, it gives me back Hello World after 10 seconds

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and then the python program stops executing. To keep our server up and running 24 by 7 we need to wrap it into an infinite loop, remember our pseudocode?

Let's do that

import socket

def process_request(request):
    import time
    time.sleep(10) # Simulate a long running process

    # Simple http response
    response = b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
    response += b"Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
    response += b"Content-Length: 11\r\n"
    response += b"\r\n"
    response += b"Hello World"
    print("Processed request")
    return response

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind(('localhost', 8080))


while True:
    conn, address = sock.accept() # Blocking call waiting for a client connection
    print(f"Connection established with {address}")

    # Read the request sent by the client
    request = conn.recv(1024) # This will read up to 1024 bytes of data
    print(f"Received request")

    # Process the request
    response = process_request(request)
    conn.send(response) # Send the response back to the client

    print(f"Connection closed")

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Now if you run this server, it will keep accepting connections from clients and send them responses. You can visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser or send a curl request to it.

But there's a catch here.

We have wrote our own web server from scratch. We have done everything that we needed to do in our pseudocode.

reserve(8080) <- -reserve a port
for {
    conn, addr = s.accept()
    - process

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The server is handling our request successfully, you might say, what's the problem here than?

Let's do one thing - try hitting multiple requests at once, and see whether you get response in all of them.

The Problem: Sequential Request Handling

Try sending multiple requests at once —for example, three simultaneous requests. What happens?

  1. The server accepts the first connection.
  2. It reads the first request, processes it for 10 seconds, and writes the response.
  3. Then, it moves on to the second connection, repeating the same steps: read , process , and respond.
  4. Finally, the third connection is handled in the same sequential manner.

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To address this problem, we need a solution that can handle multiple requests concurrently , ensuring faster responses and efficient server operation.

Solution to our problem - Parallel Processing

The web server we've built so far is single-threaded , meaning it processes one request at a time. The bottleneck lies in the blocking IO operations , such as reading and writing data, which take time and prevent the server from accepting new connections promptly.

To solve this, we need parallel processing , allowing our server to handle multiple requests simultaneously. This is achieved through multithreading.

Let's redefine our pseudocode

reserve(8080) <- -reserve a port
for {
    conn, addr = s.accept() <- our server needs to be here
    -- Let main thread come back to 'accept' as quickly as possible
    ====> process_request()

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Now all we need to is just delegate the task of processing the request to another thread, and our main thread keeps waiting for new connections.


import socket

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind(('localhost', 8080))


def process(conn):
    print("Processing request")
    import time
    time.sleep(10) # Simulate a long running process

    # Simple http response
    response = b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
    response += b"Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
    response += b"Content-Length: 11\r\n"
    response += b"\r\n"
    response += b"Hello World"
    print("Connection closed")

while True:
    conn, address = sock.accept() # Blocking call waiting for a client connection
    print(f"Connection established with {address}")

    # Read the request sent by the client
    request = conn.recv(1024) # This will read up to 1024 bytes of data
    print(f"Received request")

    # Use a separate thread to process the process
    import threading
    t = threading.Thread(target=process, args=(conn,))

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Try It Out!

Run this server and send multiple requests simultaneously using curl or a web browser. You’ll notice that all requests are processed concurrently, and each client receives a response without waiting for others to finish.

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Limitations of a Multithreaded Web Server

While multithreading improves our web server's ability to handle multiple client requests, it is not without its limitations. Thread Overhead

  • Problem : Each thread consumes memory and system resources. For a high number of simultaneous connections, the server can run out of memory or become unresponsive.
  • Impact : On systems with limited resources, spawning too many threads can lead to performance degradation or crashes.

Improvements to Our Multithreaded Web Server

While the multithreaded server we've implemented works, we can enhance its performance and robustness by addressing some common pitfalls. Here's how:

1. Limit the Number of Threads

  • Why? Unrestricted thread creation can lead to resource exhaustion, causing the server to crash under high load.
  • How? Use a thread pool to limit the maximum number of active threads. This prevents the server from overloading the system.

Example: Python’s concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor provides an easy way to manage a fixed number of threads.

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor 
pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)  
# Limit to 10 threads  
while True:
    conn, address = sock.accept()
    pool.submit(process, conn)

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2. Add a Thread Pool

  • Why? Thread creation is costly, especially when handling a high volume of short-lived requests. A thread pool reuses existing threads, reducing overhead.
  • How? Implement a worker pool that reuses threads to handle requests efficiently, as shown above with ThreadPoolExecutor.

3. Connection Timeout

  • Why? A client might stay connected indefinitely without sending a complete request, consuming server resources unnecessarily.
  • How? Set a timeout for the server and client sockets. This ensures connections that don’t complete within a given time are closed.


sock.settimeout(60) # Close connections after 60 seconds

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4. TCP Backlog Queue Configuration

  • Why? The backlog queue holds incoming connections that haven’t been accepted yet. If it overflows, new connections are refused.
  • How? Configure the backlog queue size during the listen() call to allow more pending connections before the server accepts them.



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Implementation: Combined Example

Here’s how these improvements can work together:

import socket
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

# Thread pool with 10 worker threads
pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)

def process(conn):
        print("Processing request")
        conn.settimeout(30) # Timeout for client connections
        request = conn.recv(1024)

        # Simulate processing time
        import time

        # Simple HTTP response
        response = b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
        response += b"Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
        response += b"Content-Length: 11\r\n"
        response += b"\r\n"
        response += b"Hello World"
    except socket.timeout:
        print("Connection timed out")
        print("Connection closed")

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind(('localhost', 8080))

# Configure backlog queue

print("Server is running...")

while True:
    conn, address = sock.accept()
    print(f"Connection established with {address}")
    pool.submit(process, conn)

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Benefits of These Improvements

  1. Thread Limiting prevents resource exhaustion and ensures the server remains stable.
  2. Thread Pool reduces thread creation/destruction overhead, improving performance.
  3. Connection Timeout avoids stalled connections, optimizing resource usage.
  4. Backlog Queue Configuration ensures better handling of peak traffic by queuing incoming connections efficiently.

With these optimizations, the server becomes more reliable and capable of handling a higher number of simultaneous requests.

Final thoughts...

Building a web server from scratch is an excellent way to understand the fundamentals of how the web works. Starting with a single-threaded server , we observed how blocking I/O operations, such as reading from and writing to sockets, can quickly become a bottleneck.

The transition to a multithreaded server allowed us to improve the server’s ability to handle multiple connections simultaneously by delegating request processing to separate threads.

However, while multithreading addresses the issue of blocking I/O, it introduces challenges like thread management, increased memory usage, and potential performance degradation under heavy load. This is why thread pools , connection timeouts , and other optimizations become necessary in real-world applications.

In practice, production-grade web servers like Django (using Gunicorn), Flask , Spring Boot , and Apache Tomcat leverage a combination of threading, multiprocessing, and asynchronous I/O to achieve scalability and performance. These frameworks abstract much of the complexity we've explored, but understanding the core principles behind them gives developers the insight needed to optimize and debug their applications effectively.

As technology continues to evolve, alternatives like asynchronous I/O (e.g., Python’s asyncio) and event-driven architectures (e.g., Node.js) are becoming increasingly popular, offering more efficient ways to handle high-concurrency workloads.

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