
Modern Web

Latest episodes

S07E3 Modern Web Podcast- Is Redux Dead Yet? (Nope) An Interview with Mark Erikson, Redux Core Team

S07E3 Modern Web Podcast- Is Redux Dead Yet? (Nope) An Interview with Mark Erikson, Redux Core Team

Modern Web,
S07E2 Modern Web Podcast - Getting Started with Web Performance with Justin Ribeiro

S07E2 Modern Web Podcast - Getting Started with Web Performance with Justin Ribeiro

Modern Web,
S07E1 Modern Web Podcast - Introducing Vite - Evan You's new project + Vue 3 Updates

S07E1 Modern Web Podcast - Introducing Vite - Evan You's new project + Vue 3 Updates

Modern Web,
S06E20 Modern Web Podcast - Why You Should Consider Learning ReasonML with Peter Piekarczyk, CTO of Draftbit

S06E20 Modern Web Podcast - Why You Should Consider Learning ReasonML with Peter Piekarczyk, CTO of Draftbit

Modern Web,
S06E16 Modern Web Podcast - A Conversation about GraphQL Adoption and GraphQL 2020 with Eve Porcello

S06E16 Modern Web Podcast - A Conversation about GraphQL Adoption and GraphQL 2020 with Eve Porcello

Modern Web,
S06E15 Modern Web Podcast - Making Open Source Inclusive With GatsbyJS

S06E15 Modern Web Podcast - Making Open Source Inclusive With GatsbyJS

Modern Web,
S06E11 Modern Web Podcast - Mentorship with Ray Gesualdo

S06E11 Modern Web Podcast - Mentorship with Ray Gesualdo

Modern Web,
S06E10 Modern Web Podcast - NeuroJavaScript

S06E10 Modern Web Podcast - NeuroJavaScript

Modern Web,
S06E8 Modern Web Podcast - Utility-First CSS with Adam Wathan, Sarah Dayan, Jake Dohm, & Rob Ocel

S06E8 Modern Web Podcast - Utility-First CSS with Adam Wathan, Sarah Dayan, Jake Dohm, & Rob Ocel

Modern Web,
S06E6 Modern Web Podcast - A Look into Node's Mentor Program with Ahmad Bamieh, Benjamin Coe, Jennifer Bland, Princiya Sequeira, and Tracy Lee

S06E6 Modern Web Podcast - A Look into Node's Mentor Program with Ahmad Bamieh, Benjamin Coe, Jennifer Bland, Princiya Sequeira, and Tracy Lee

Modern Web,
S06E4 Modern Web Podcast - Vue Updates with Chris Fitz, Jake Dohm, and Rob Ocel

S06E4 Modern Web Podcast - Vue Updates with Chris Fitz, Jake Dohm, and Rob Ocel

Modern Web,
S05E22 Modern Web Podcast - What's Up With GraphQL 2019 with Tracy Lee, Rob Ocel, Tanmai Gopal, and Uri Goldshtein

S05E22 Modern Web Podcast - What's Up With GraphQL 2019 with Tracy Lee, Rob Ocel, Tanmai Gopal, and Uri Goldshtein

Modern Web,
S05E20 Browser Standards with Tracy Lee, Rob Ocel, and Dominic Farolino

S05E20 Browser Standards with Tracy Lee, Rob Ocel, and Dominic Farolino

Modern Web,
S05E16 RxJS with Tracy Lee, Rob Ocel, OJ Kwon, and Ben Lesh

S05E16 RxJS with Tracy Lee, Rob Ocel, OJ Kwon, and Ben Lesh

Modern Web,
S05E13 Neurotech and Machine Learning in JavaScript with Tracy Lee, Alex Castillo, Robert Plummer, and Jeff Mahoney

S05E13 Neurotech and Machine Learning in JavaScript with Tracy Lee, Alex Castillo, Robert Plummer, and Jeff Mahoney

Modern Web,
S05E11 Preact with Ben Lesh, Tracy Lee, Prateek Bhatnagar, Jason Miller, and Zouhir Chahoud

S05E11 Preact with Ben Lesh, Tracy Lee, Prateek Bhatnagar, Jason Miller, and Zouhir Chahoud

Modern Web,
S05E09 Tech Diversity with Tara Manicsic, Sarah Federman, and Deanna Leavitt

S05E09 Tech Diversity with Tara Manicsic, Sarah Federman, and Deanna Leavitt

Modern Web,
S05E08 Blockchain with Preethi Kasireddy, Kyle Simpson, Nik Kalyani, Fred Schott and Tracy Lee

S05E08 Blockchain with Preethi Kasireddy, Kyle Simpson, Nik Kalyani, Fred Schott and Tracy Lee

Modern Web,
S05E07 Topics in React with Michael Jackson, Ben Lesh, Jay Phelps, and Tracy Lee

S05E07 Topics in React with Michael Jackson, Ben Lesh, Jay Phelps, and Tracy Lee

Modern Web,
S05E05 What’s Going on in VR? with Ben Lesh, Tracy Lee, Aysegul Yonet, and Martin Splitt

S05E05 What’s Going on in VR? with Ben Lesh, Tracy Lee, Aysegul Yonet, and Martin Splitt

Modern Web,
S05E03 The Truth About Developer Relations with Simona Cotin, Tara Manicsic, Tierney Cyren, and Tracy Lee

S05E03 The Truth About Developer Relations with Simona Cotin, Tara Manicsic, Tierney Cyren, and Tracy Lee

Modern Web,
S04E12 - Web A11y with Jen Luker and Necoline Hubner

S04E12 - Web A11y with Jen Luker and Necoline Hubner

Modern Web,
S04E14 Current State of WebAssembly with Sean Larkin, Jay Phelps, Ben Lesh, and Tracy Lee

S04E14 Current State of WebAssembly with Sean Larkin, Jay Phelps, Ben Lesh, and Tracy Lee

Modern Web,
S04E10 - The New Payment Request API with Molly Dalton, Zach Koch, and Ray Shan

S04E10 - The New Payment Request API with Molly Dalton, Zach Koch, and Ray Shan

Modern Web,
S04E11 - The Future of RxJS 6 & 7 - Roadmapping Operators with Ben Lesh and Tracy Lee

S04E11 - The Future of RxJS 6 & 7 - Roadmapping Operators with Ben Lesh and Tracy Lee

Modern Web,
MW S04E07 - Accessibility with Rob Dodson and Alice Hall

MW S04E07 - Accessibility with Rob Dodson and Alice Hall

Modern Web,
S04E04 - Firefox Developer Tools with James Long

S04E04 - Firefox Developer Tools with James Long

Modern Web,
S04E03 - UI Components - Challenges and Best Practices Across Web and Native

S04E03 - UI Components - Challenges and Best Practices Across Web and Native

Modern Web,
S04E02 - Polymer and Web Components vs Frameworks (Jerry Springer Edition)

S04E02 - Polymer and Web Components vs Frameworks (Jerry Springer Edition)

Modern Web,
S03E06 - React Router, HistoryJS, State Management, Webpack vs Rollup, and more (React Rally Edition)

S03E06 - React Router, HistoryJS, State Management, Webpack vs Rollup, and more (React Rally Edition)

Modern Web,
