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Daniel Kukula
Daniel Kukula

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Enhancements to dbg in elixir 1.18

Elixir 1.18 added some interesting, features but one that went under the radar was extended support for dbg. In 1.17 when you had this code

a = 1
b = 2

if a + b == 3 do
|> dbg
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It evaluated to:

if a + b == 3 do
end #=> :equal
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In 1.18 this was aligned with what case and cond does:

Case argument:
1 + 2 #=> 3

Case expression (clause #1 matched):
case 1 + 2 do
  3 -> :equal
  _ -> :non_equal
end #=> :equal
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if result in 1.18:

If condition:
a + b == 3 #=> true

If expression:
if a + b == 3 do
end #=> :equal
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if this is not enough you can wrap your code in brackets and pass it to dbg

  input = %{a: 1, b: 2}
  c = Map.get(input, :c, 20)

  if input[:a] + c == 3 do
|> dbg
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results in displaying results for every expression

Code block:
  input = %{a: 1, b: 2} #=> %{a: 1, b: 2}
  c = Map.get(input, :c, 20) #=> 20
  if input[:a] + c == 3 do
end #=> :non_equal
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Last missing piece is the with macro which is sometimes a nightmare to debug, in elixir 1.18 we have support for that:

with input = %{a: 1, b: 2},
     {:ok, c} <- Map.fetch(input, :c),
     3 <- input[:a] + c do
  _ -> :non_equal
|> dbg
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The result here is:

With clauses:
%{a: 1, b: 2} #=> %{a: 1, b: 2}
Map.fetch(input, :c) #=> :error

With expression:
with input = %{a: 1, b: 2},
     {:ok, c} <- Map.fetch(input, :c),
     3 <- input[:a] + c do
  _ -> :non_equal
end #=> :non_equal
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This should make your debugging journey easier.
If you are stuck in an older elixir versions you can install a package that backports this functionality dbg_mate
Thanks for your attention.

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João Paulo Abreu
