
The Changelog

Latest episodes

131: The Road to Ember 2.0 with Tom Dale and Yehuda Katz

131: The Road to Ember 2.0 with Tom Dale and Yehuda Katz

The Changelog,
130: Inspeqtor and OSS Products with Mike Perham

130: Inspeqtor and OSS Products with Mike Perham

The Changelog,
129: The PHP Language Specification with Sara Golemon

129: The PHP Language Specification with Sara Golemon

The Changelog,
128: Lineman.js and JavaScript Apps with Justin Searls

128: Lineman.js and JavaScript Apps with Justin Searls

The Changelog,
127: Keep a CHANGELOG with Olivier Lacan

127: Keep a CHANGELOG with Olivier Lacan

The Changelog,
126: Xiki and Reimagining the Shell with Craig Muth

126: Xiki and Reimagining the Shell with Craig Muth

The Changelog,
125: Jekyll, GitHub Pages, and Blogging for Hackers

125: Jekyll, GitHub Pages, and Blogging for Hackers

The Changelog,
124: Tedit, JS-Git, and Jack with Tim Caswell

124: Tedit, JS-Git, and Jack with Tim Caswell

The Changelog,
123: Gittip and Open Companies with Chad Whitacre

123: Gittip and Open Companies with Chad Whitacre

The Changelog,
122: Rails Girls Summer of Code and Travis Foundation with Anika Lindtner and Floor Drees

122: Rails Girls Summer of Code and Travis Foundation with Anika Lindtner and Floor Drees

The Changelog,
121: Google's Dart Programming Language with Lars Bak and Seth Ladd

121: Google's Dart Programming Language with Lars Bak and Seth Ladd

The Changelog,
120: Ruby Tooling, chruby, ruby-install, and Security with Postmodern

120: Ruby Tooling, chruby, ruby-install, and Security with Postmodern

The Changelog,
119: MEAN.js & Full-Stack JavaScript with Roie Cohen and Amos Haviv

119: MEAN.js & Full-Stack JavaScript with Roie Cohen and Amos Haviv

The Changelog,
118: The Sass Way and Open Publishing with John Long

118: The Sass Way and Open Publishing with John Long

The Changelog,
117: Go, Martini and Gophercasts with Jeremy Saenz

117: Go, Martini and Gophercasts with Jeremy Saenz

The Changelog,
116: Node Black Friday at Walmart with Eran Hammer

116: Node Black Friday at Walmart with Eran Hammer

The Changelog,
115: Flynn Updates with Jonathan Rudenberg and Jeff Lindsay

115: Flynn Updates with Jonathan Rudenberg and Jeff Lindsay

The Changelog,
114: RethinkDB with Slava Akhmechet

114: RethinkDB with Slava Akhmechet

The Changelog,
113: Keep npm Running with Isaac Schlueter and Charlie Robbins

113: Keep npm Running with Isaac Schlueter and Charlie Robbins

The Changelog,
112: ZURB Foundation 5 and Front-End Frameworks with Jonathan Smiley and Mark Hayes

112: ZURB Foundation 5 and Front-End Frameworks with Jonathan Smiley and Mark Hayes

The Changelog,
111: Hoodie, noBackend, and Offline-First with Caolan McMahon

111: Hoodie, noBackend, and Offline-First with Caolan McMahon

The Changelog,
110: Capistrano and Burnout with Lee Hambley

110: Capistrano and Burnout with Lee Hambley

The Changelog,
109: Open Karma and Design Love for OSS with Justine Arreche and Sebastian Gräßl

109: Open Karma and Design Love for OSS with Justine Arreche and Sebastian Gräßl

The Changelog,
108: and Crowd-Sourced Code Reviews with Katrina Owen

108: and Crowd-Sourced Code Reviews with Katrina Owen

The Changelog,
107: Balanced Payments and Open Sourcing Everything with Marshall Jones

107: Balanced Payments and Open Sourcing Everything with Marshall Jones

The Changelog,
106: Semantic UI with Jack Lukic

106: Semantic UI with Jack Lukic

The Changelog,
105: Ghost Blogging Platform with John O'Nolan

105: Ghost Blogging Platform with John O'Nolan

The Changelog,
104: Kickstarting Espruino with Gordon Williams

104: Kickstarting Espruino with Gordon Williams

The Changelog,
103: GitLab and Open Source with Sytse Sijbrandij

103: GitLab and Open Source with Sytse Sijbrandij

The Changelog,
102: RVM and Ruby Version Managment with Michal Papis

102: RVM and Ruby Version Managment with Michal Papis

The Changelog,
