(ns v2
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(s/def ::distance (s/and number? pos?))
(s/def ::package string?)
(s/def ::destination string?)
(s/def ::delivery-type #{"air" "land" "sea"})
(defprotocol DeliveryService
(calculate-cost [this distance] "Calculates the delivery cost based on the distance.")
(process-delivery [this package destination] "Executes the delivery of the package to the destination.")
(estimated-time [this distance] "Estimates delivery time in hours."))
(defrecord AirDelivery []
(calculate-cost [_ distance]
(* 5 distance))
(process-delivery [_ package destination]
(str "Package '" package "' will be delivered via Air to " destination))
(estimated-time [_ distance]
(Math/ceil (/ distance 800))))
(defrecord LandDelivery []
(calculate-cost [_ distance]
(* 2 distance))
(process-delivery [_ package destination]
(str "Package '" package "' will be delivered via Land to " destination))
(estimated-time [_ distance]
(Math/ceil (/ distance 60))))
(defrecord SeaDelivery []
(calculate-cost [_ distance]
(* 1 distance))
(process-delivery [_ package destination]
(str "Package '" package "' will be delivered via Sea to " destination))
(estimated-time [_ distance]
(Math/ceil (/ distance 30))))
(defmulti create-delivery-service
"Factory multi-method for creating delivery services"
(fn [type & _] (str/lower-case type)))
(defmethod create-delivery-service "air" [_]
(defmethod create-delivery-service "land" [_]
(defmethod create-delivery-service "sea" [_]
(defmethod create-delivery-service :default [type]
(throw (ex-info "Invalid delivery type"
{:type type
:available-types #{"air" "land" "sea"}})))
(defn calculate-and-deliver
"Service that uses the factory to calculate the cost and deliver a package.
Returns a map with :cost, :delivery, and :estimated-time keys."
[type package destination distance]
{:pre [(s/valid? ::delivery-type type)
(s/valid? ::package package)
(s/valid? ::destination destination)
(s/valid? ::distance distance)]}
(let [service (create-delivery-service type)]
{:cost (calculate-cost service distance)
:delivery (process-delivery service package destination)
:estimated-time (estimated-time service distance)})
(catch Exception e
(throw (ex-info "Delivery calculation failed"
{:cause (.getMessage e)
:type type
:package package
:destination destination
:distance distance})))))
(defn find-cheapest-delivery
"Finds the cheapest delivery service for given parameters"
[package destination distance]
(->> ["air" "land" "sea"]
(map #(-> [(calculate-and-deliver % package destination distance) %]))
(sort-by (comp :cost first))
(calculate-and-deliver "air" "Electronics" "São Paulo" 1000)
;; => {:cost 5000
;; :delivery "Package 'Electronics' will be delivered via Air to São Paulo"
;; :estimated-time 2}
(find-cheapest-delivery "Heavy Machinery" "Porto Alegre" 800)
;; => [{:cost 800
;; :delivery "Package 'Heavy Machinery' will be delivered via Sea to Porto Alegre"
;; :estimated-time 27}
;; "sea"]
;; Validation error example
(calculate-and-deliver "air" "Books" "Curitiba" -100)
;; => Assertion Error: Invalid input
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