
Around IT In 256 Seconds

Latest episodes

#66: Aspect-oriented programming: another level of code modularization

#66: Aspect-oriented programming: another level of code modularization

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#65: Zero Downtime deployment

#65: Zero Downtime deployment

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#64: TypeScript: will it entirely replace JavaScript?

#64: TypeScript: will it entirely replace JavaScript?

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#63: Logging libraries: auditing and troubleshooting your application

#63: Logging libraries: auditing and troubleshooting your application

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#62: Object-relational mapping: hiding vs. introducing complexity

#62: Object-relational mapping: hiding vs. introducing complexity

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#61: Spring framework: 2 decades of building Java applications

#61: Spring framework: 2 decades of building Java applications

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#60: Haskell: purely functional and statically typed programming language

#60: Haskell: purely functional and statically typed programming language

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#59: How compilers work: from source to execution

#59: How compilers work: from source to execution

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#58: Consumer-driven Contracts: TDD between services

#58: Consumer-driven Contracts: TDD between services

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#57: Kotlin: Much more than 'better Java'

#57: Kotlin: Much more than 'better Java'

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#56: Test-driven development

#56: Test-driven development

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#55: Percentages, percentage points and basis points: understand your metrics

#55: Percentages, percentage points and basis points: understand your metrics

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#54: Immutability: from data structures to data centers

#54: Immutability: from data structures to data centers

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#53: CDN: Content Delivery Network: global scale caching

#53: CDN: Content Delivery Network: global scale caching

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#52: How computers work: from electrons to Electron

#52: How computers work: from electrons to Electron

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#51: Cloud computing: more than renting servers per minute

#51: Cloud computing: more than renting servers per minute

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#50: Property-based testing: find bugs automatically by generating thousands of test cases

#50: Property-based testing: find bugs automatically by generating thousands of test cases

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#49: Functional programming: academic research or new hope for the industry?

#49: Functional programming: academic research or new hope for the industry?

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#48: Distributed tracing: find bottlenecks in complex systems

#48: Distributed tracing: find bottlenecks in complex systems

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#47: Terraform: managing infrastructure as code

#47: Terraform: managing infrastructure as code

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#46: Kubernetes: Orchestrating large-scale deployments

#46: Kubernetes: Orchestrating large-scale deployments

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#45: Node.js: running JavaScript on the server (!)

#45: Node.js: running JavaScript on the server (!)

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#44: RESTful APIs: much more than JSON over HTTP

#44: RESTful APIs: much more than JSON over HTTP

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#43: Public-key cryptography: math invention that revolutionized the Internet

#43: Public-key cryptography: math invention that revolutionized the Internet

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#42: Flow control and backpressure: slowing down to remain stable

#42: Flow control and backpressure: slowing down to remain stable

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#41: Unicode: can you see these: Æ, 爱 and 🚀?

#41: Unicode: can you see these: Æ, 爱 and 🚀?

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#40: Docker: more than a process, less than a VM

#40: Docker: more than a process, less than a VM

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#39: DNS: one of the fundamental protocols of the Internet

#39: DNS: one of the fundamental protocols of the Internet

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#38: HTTP cookies: from saving shopping cart to online tracking

#38: HTTP cookies: from saving shopping cart to online tracking

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
#37: Fallacies of distributed computing

#37: Fallacies of distributed computing

Around IT In 256 Seconds,
