Hello everyone, I am Amr Hesham and I want to share my new small cross-platform tools AndroidResourceManager (ARM) version 1.0.3 written in Java with JavaFX framework
the idea of these tools started as an image resizer for drawable and mipmap for Android App Development then I have added four more ideas to it.
so the result is five services.
- The first and main service is Image Resizer with drag-drop support
the idea of this service is to drag and drop your images easily and add the list of sizes for everyone, the default configuration for sizes list are the main seven sizes for android drawable and mipmap sizes which are LDPI, MDPI, TVDPI, HDPI, XHDPI, XXHDPI and XXXHDPI, you can add or remove sizes as you want with no size limit, you can select output type as Drawable, Mipmaps or other for normal folders and then click resize to resize all the images fast.
- The second service is keyword searching
The idea of this service is to search fast in your project files for example you can search for some string and got the position for every result, with only one click you can open the file and check your result.
- The third service is color resources analyzing
The idea for this service is to get all color resource position on your project layouts fast and also you can do this for many projects in one step, the goal for this idea is to know if there any color resources that you should add them in color.xml file
- The Fourth service dimensions resources analyzing
It the same idea as the last service but for dimensions, not color so it can help you keep your layouts code clean and this service will be improved to
have the option to add the result into your dimens.xml automatically
- The fifth and last service is source files analyzing
The idea of this service just counts the number of code lines and files in your project or normal directory and show the output to you for every language
Now this tool is small with a size of less than 1MB but it can be improved to have new services or options for current services for example in the first service (Image Resizing) we can support many options before resizing for examples add padding, apply image filter or image compression β¦etc
So feel free to suggest, submit an issue or make a pull request to improve this tool and make it very useful for everyone and cover everyone needs.
You can download this tool Github.
Enjoy Programming π.
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